Friday, May 31, 2019

Common Sense Essay example -- essays research papers

Common Sense. By Thomas Paine. Edited with an Introduction by Isaac Kramnic. (New York Penguin Books, 1986).& angstrom unitnbsp&9Recently, I acquired a copy of Thomas Paines most recent patriotic pamphlet, entitled Common Sense. I was immediately interested in what Paine had to say in his new work, after such powerful previous works, such as The Crisis series. I was nothing less than astonished at how Paine so powerfully conveyed his patriotic message. Paine theorizes a split between England and the colonial states. At the same time as a split is theorized, it would form a amalgamation of the colonial states into unmatched country, united into one body on our American principles, no longer under the rule of the British Parliament and its ridiculous taxes and misrepresentation. Paine delivers one of the most compelling arguments I have heard on why there should be a division between the slope and the Americans.&9The British Parliament has long been a bane to the colonists in the New World, with the passage of all their &quot figure outs&quot to tax us simply because we ar more productive. Paine makes his contempt for the current system of judicature quite clear early on. "Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil in its worst state an intolerable one for even we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamities is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer." (65) Paine intelligibly believes that the English government falls into the &quotintolerable&quot category of governments. Although a system of government is a required entity in almost any(prenominal) society, there are much better ways to govern a people besides the British monarchal system. Paine discusses how the Parliament is batch up as a representation of the people, but what good is representation in a monarchy? The monarch still has absolute power, even though a system is set up to make it appear as though the people have a say. This lack of true representation instills a lack of trust towards the faggot in the British subjects. These factors create doubt in ones mind about the strength of the British government. Paine questions the government saying"How came the king by a power which the people are afraid to trust, ... ...umstances, a separation between England and America is crucial to the survival of America. The only factor that must be decided is when such a separation should occur. If we look to Paines advice, he states "As all men allow the measure, and vary only in their judgement of the time, let us, in order to remove mistakes, take a general survey of things and endeavour if possible, to find out the very time. But we need not go far, the inquiry ceases at once, for the time hath found us." (100) Paine calls for an immediate separation from the British. As an independent nation, America could be free of Englands tyrannical government, and its pixilated monarchy. No longer would we have to suffer the injustices of the British Parliament and their ridiculous taxes. We already have to protect ourselves as a nation, without British support, unless of course the English have some interest in the matter. Why not defend our selves as an independent nation? There is no possibility of reparations at this bakshish in time. However, this is the key time to make our stand. If we ever have a desire to become free men, men of our own will and control, we must act now, and declare our independence.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

We Need Nuclear Energy Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Topics

We Need Nuclear Energy Minutes ago, the lights flickered, went out briefly, snapped on again. It was a warning. The electricity would last only a few moments longer, and then we would be plunged into three hours of darkness. . . . For the third time today, by official edict, we are taking our issue without electricity. A miners strike has reduced coal stocks almost to the vanishing point, and most of Britains electricity comes from coal (Weaver, The Search . . ., 652). This could become a common occurrence if the United States doesnt habit other energy sources besides fossil fuels. Nuclear energy should continue to be used in the United States. Nuclear energy is produced in a nuclear reactor. Inside the reactor, uranium undergoes fission. Fission occurs when a fast-moving neutron strikes a nucleus of uranium. The nucleus cannot take the extra neutron, so it splits apart, producing an enormous amount of heat. This takes place in the reactor core, which is surrounded by a large qu antity of pressurized water that absorbs the heat. This heat is transferred from this water to the water in a go generator, where it boils water to steam. The steam turns turbines, which produces electricity (Macaulay, 174-9). The main benefit of nuclear energy is the amount of energy within uranium. One kilogram of uranium produces 440,000 megajoules of energy. Coal produces a maximum of 30 megajoules, and crude oil produces 46 (Why . . . ). In other words, one pound of uranium can produce as much energy as 12,000 pounds of coal or 1,200 gallons of oil (Nuclear . . . ). A one million kilowatt power station uses 2.3 million tons of coal each year. A one million kilowatt nuclear reactor, on the other hand, us... ...uclear Energy. Three burl Island Student Research Project. on-line Available http// The Three Mile Island Accident. Three Mile Island Student Research Project. on-line Available http// edu8080/programs/399Projects/TMIStudy/TMIIncident.html Weaver, Kenneth F. The Promise and Peril of Nuclear Energy. National Geographic. April 1979. pp. 459-493. Weaver, Kenneth F. The Search For Tomorrows Power. National Geographic. November 1972. pp. 661-672. Why Uranium. Uranium Information Centre. on-line Available http// Young, Paulette. Average determine of Coal Delivered to Electric Utilities by Census Division and State, 1987, 1992-1996. on-line Available http//

Euripides Support of Women’s Rights Essay -- Biography Biographies Ess

Euripides Support of Womens Rights One can hardly deny that in Euripides plays women are lots portrayed as weak, uncertain, and torn between what they must do and what they can bring themselves to do. Other women appear to be the root of grave evils, or hardly perpetrators of heinous crimes. In a day when analysis of characters and plot had yet to be invented, it is easy to see why he might have been vista to be very much against women. However, when looking back with current understanding of what Euripides was doing at the time, armed with knowledge of plot devices and Socratic philosophy, this argument simply does not hold up. In fact, a very strong argument can be made to the opposite, that Euripides was in fact very much in bind of womens rights, and thought they were treated unfairly. To begin to understand what Euripides was doing, it is best to understand the medium of his art the Greek theater. Theater was a competitive art among playwrights, with several(prenominal) competitions throughout the year, the greatest of which was at the Dionysian festivals in the spring. Greek drama, tragedy in particular, had undersized in common with modern acting productions. There was little or no suspense as to the outcome of the play most all were based on Homeric tales from The Iliad and The Odyssey. The skill, therefore, was not in creating a gripping plot, but in the subtle changes the playwright could incorporate to increase the dramatic effect. Changing the reasons for conflicts, dialogue, order of events, and sometimes even the outcome of the play were all slipway to do this. With all these devices available to the fifth century playwright, what made Euripides so special that he was almost exclusiv... ...Euripides. Medea. Trans. Paul Roche. New York Norton, 1974. Euripides. The Bacchae. Trans. Paul Roche. New York Norton, 1974. Euripides. Andromache. Trans. seat McLean. New York Dial Press, 1936. Euripides. Hippolytos. Trans. John McLean. New York Dial Press, 1936. Euripides. Trojan Women. Trans. John McLean. New York Dial Press, 1936. Euripides. Electra. Trans. John McLean. New York Dial Press, 1936. Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Birth of Tragedy. Trans. Clifton Fadiman. New York capital of Delaware Publications, 1995. Perseus Encyclopedia. Revised 1999. Tufts University. Powell, Anton, ed. Euripides, Women, and Sexuality. New York Routledge, 1990. March, Jennifer. Euripides the Mysogynist? Euripides, Women, and Sexuality. Ed. Anton Powell. New York Routledge, 1990.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Politics, Propaganda, and Hate Essay -- What is Politics?

Politics, Propaganda, and HatePropaganda is very important issue in our society. The word propaganda however, has a very negative connotation. This whitethorn happen because people tend to associate it with the enormous campaigns that were waged by Hitler and Stalin, (Delwiche 2002). no. propaganda has a different face. It may not be as obvious as but it is used regurlarly by politicians, companies and others who ar interested in influencing our behaviour. Propaganda is the control of opinion by significant symbols influence, (Laswell, as cited in Chadwick). There are seven types of propaganda devices. These fall in been categorized into a few groups by the Institute of Propaganda Analysis (IPA) Name Calling, Glittering Generality, Transfer, Testimonial, Plain folks, Card stacking and Bandwagon. Using these devices, propaganda can be successful (serve its objective).The work of the propaganda (is to influence) large scale and group conscious, ( it is not directed at individuals. I t is directed by many media which can include leaflets, posters, TV broadcasts or radio broadcasts, (Wikipedia). Verbal statements are the most common way propaganda occurs. It often involves the distortion or manipulation of facts but not always. Propaganda isnt only spread through words, often actions, gestures of even image manipulation can be the cause. It involves anything that may provide an affected version of the truth, even stereotypes. Propaganda can employs prejudice to perpetuate stereotypes and those stereotypes have a direct effect on the propaganda. This turns into a endless cycle. Hatred is the cause for extreme cases of propaganda. These prejudices create stereotypes that then become common belief.Two thousand... ...prejudices that a society harbours cause the hate and propaganda. This causes the prejudices to be reconfirmed and further developed into stereotypes. Now the cycle begins again. BibliographyChadwick, W. Public Relations and Propaganda. Online at , con sulted on 03/25/04.Delwich, A (2002). Propaganda - anti American propaganda from Afghanistan. Online at , consulted on 03/20/04.Delwich, A (2002). Propaganda - Why think about propaganda?. Online at .Mustafa, N (2004). Please, No Phone Calls. Time Special report, V. 163, No. 13, p. 9.Wikipedia encyclopedia (2004). Online at , consulted on 03/29/04.

Seafood and Depression Essay -- essays research papers

Sea nutrient and DepressionThere have been studies that conclude that there is some relationship amidst food intake and mental health. The stress you endure, and how you preserve with it differs in many ways. There is evidence that the more seafood college students eat the lower level of depression they experience. Researchers have two different inventories for depression. The Beck Depression Inventory is a leading depression inventory, and the new inventory is the Wilsonsons Depression Scale (Wilsonson, Gofendorfer, & Brazleton, 2002). The results of both tests were identical. The Wilsonson Depression Scale proved to be more simple to administer and sudden to complete and score (Wilsonson et al., 2002). This area, as well as others (Arbor, Dolfin, & Pecanhead, 2003 Black, Marsh, Roberts, Kickerback, Duey, Freeberslager, Williamsonson, & Friday, 2004 Smith & Hold, 2004 Thompson, 2004 Wilsonson, Gofendorfer, & Brazleton, 2002) have shown that when seafood intake is high your depr ession level is lower. One study examined the relationship between eating different foods to include seafood and depression (Arbor, Dolfin, & Pecanhead, 2003). In this particular study, the radicals took the Wilsonsons Depression Scale before and after the participants divided into three groups and put on unitary of three very strict diets. Results of the study showed a significant difference in the levels of depression after being on the diet. A different study, (Black, Marsh, Roberts, Kickerback, Duey, Freeberslager, Williamsonson, & Friday, 2004) examined senior(a) people and gave them tests on personality, depression, and kept a journal of food intake for over three weeks. The Black (2004) study broke into two groups. One group said that they ate seafood at least six times a week and the other group only three or fewer a week.The Smith and Hold (2004) study was made up of 1000 elderly people living in the South. All the participants took personality tests and depression scales and kept food journals for six weeks. After the six-week study, the researchers cross-referenced the journals, personality tests, and depression scales.The Thompson study (2004) is a little different from the others. In this particular study, a group of teenage couples in the telephone exchange United States was given Becks Depression Inventory in 1985, 1992, and again in 2004. After the test..., B., & Brenham, S. (2002). How does that make you feel Monkies react to psychotherapeutic questioning Electronic version. Journal of kind Health, 7(6), 147-157.Smith, B., Blowhard, J., Hardinson, B.P., Sherman, B., Ebert, R., Knight, P., et al. (2004). Feeling blue The impact of color wheels on adult children of monkeys. Journal of Mental Health, 2(4), 115-153.Smith, B. P., & Hold, A. (2003). I like fish, do you? New York USA Psychological Associates, Inc.Smith, B. P., & Hold, A. (2004). Psychophysiological cause of eating seafood. AmericanJournal of Psychiatry, 3, 240-257.Smith, Bill P., & Hold, A. (2005). Who likes fish? Characteristics of people who love and hate seafood Electronic version. Journal of American Psychology, 3(2), 34-37.Thompson, C. (2004). Consumption of seafood associated with lower levels of depressionLongitudinal study involving fishmongers and fishwives Electronic version. Journal of American Psychology, 5, 123-134.Wilsonson, B., Gofendorfer, C.B., & Brazelton, W.F., III. (2002). Development andimplementation of the Wilsonsons Depression Scale. Psychology Bulletin, 122, 117-137.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Weapons of the Middle Ages :: History

Weapons of the Middle AgesHave you ever wondered what kinds of weapons were utilize in the middle ages? Or have you wondered how they used to slash and bash through the heavily armoured knights while being attacked by flying arrows by the longbowman? Well here are the answers There were a wide variety of weapons in the middle ages, peerless of which was the club. The club was mainly used to crush bones or fracture them. It was made of a light wood with a metal tip on the end and usually had spikes on them to inflict more damage. The club is the first melee weapon ever made and started in the Stone Age to bulge out deer or wild boar. As ages went by the club became less effective. After about 1400 A.D. the club was very rare to find in battle. What was arouse about the club is that it could easily be changed into a short-handled ax. All they had to do was either cut or take off the tip of the club and attach a sharp blade. The reason they sometimes changed the club into a short- handled ax, was because it could be thrown easily and inflict some pain, where the club when thrown, it was thorny to throw and it inflicted little pain and damage. Another very useful weapon was the spear. The spear was a skirmishers best friend. A skirmisher was a spend that carried around a bag full of spears. To keep from giving too much weight, they made the spear for the skirmishers with very lightweight wood, and a small pointy spearhead. The skirmishers concern was to take the spears and throw them at a long range. The difference between a bow and arrow and a spear was that the spear could easily be turned into a melee weapon. In fact, when a skirmisher had only one spear left, he took the spear, left the bag, and went melee style and went into the battle. The first spear was exactly a sharpened rock tied onto a long stick, which was in the Stone Age, and wasnt used for killing people it was used to kill animals for food, usually. belike the most common weapon, was the sword. All kinds of swords, the standard sword, which was just a regular sword, the dagger, or knife, yes it was a type of sword, mainly a backup sword used if a soldiers weapon was dropped, and the great sword, which was a huge sword that can only be used in control if the soldier used two hands.

Weapons of the Middle Ages :: History

Weapons of the Middle AgesHave you ever wondered what kinds of machines were used in the middle ages? Or suck up you wondered how they used to slash and bash through the heavily armored knights while being attacked by flying arrows by the long root wordman? Well here are the answers in that location were a wide variety of weapons in the middle ages, one of which was the club. The club was mainly used to crush bones or fracture them. It was made of a light wood with a metal tip on the end and usually had spikes on them to inflict more damage. The club is the first melee weapon ever made and started in the Stone Age to kill deer or wild boar. As ages went by the club became less effective. After round 1400 A.D. the club was very rare to find in battle. What was interesting about the club is that it could easily be changed into a short-handled ax. All they had to do was all cut or take off the tip of the club and attach a sharp blade. The reason they sometimes changed the club into a short-handled ax, was because it could be thrown easily and inflict some pain, where the club when thrown, it was hard to throw and it inflicted little pain and damage. Another very useful weapon was the spear. The spear was a skirmishers best friend. A skirmisher was a soldier that carried around a bag full of spears. To keep from giving too much weight, they made the spear for the skirmishers with very lightweight wood, and a small pointy spearhead. The skirmishers job was to take the spears and throw them at a long range. The difference between a bow and arrow and a spear was that the spear could easily be turned into a melee weapon. In fact, when a skirmisher had only one spear left, he took the spear, left the bag, and went melee style and went into the battle. The first spear was simply a sharpened rock tied onto a long stick, which was in the Stone Age, and wasnt used for killing people it was used to kill animals for food, usually. Probably the most common weapon, was th e sword. All kinds of swords, the standard sword, which was just a regular sword, the dagger, or knife, yes it was a type of sword, mainly a backup sword used if a soldiers weapon was dropped, and the great sword, which was a huge sword that prat only be used in control if the soldier used two hands.

Monday, May 27, 2019

European History Essay

The way the east civilization would live is how people dream of existent at present. The eastern peoples put others preceding(prenominal) themselves. The way the western civilization used to live is how we live today caring ab out ourselves for the most part. Even though the eastern side of living is how most people wanted to live, there are some positive characteristics of the western side that are worth incorporating.A common problem today is that we dont cogitate. A trait of eastern culture is the being contemplative. There are countless problems that could be avoided if thought would waste gone into the situation. vitality is a strategy that is filled with decisions. It is inevitable that mistakes will be made, but there will be less if you think before you act.In life there are always consequences for your actions. What most people dont realize is that there can be positive consequences. This is something that the western civilization honored the rewards or the positive consequences of the life they lived. Having the good things in your life isnt as rewarding as working for the grand prize. Towards the end of your life, what will you have that reflects what you work for?In the eastern civilization, working with less is held high in standards. As the years go by, people always want to a greater extent and more but is it really necessary? For example, heated seats and electronic windows are nice in our vehicles but we dont actually need them. The eastern peoples learned to work with what they were given, even if it was less than what they wanted.Technology is taking over the world. With this new interference with human life, the beautiful art of work will concisely be forgotten. There are amazing things that humans can do as long as they work for it. The western civilization figured this out and put activity high on the list ofstandards. Life is short and there may be things that we miss if we dont work to call what it has in store for us.Both the eastern and western civilization contain characteristics that would benefit the human race. A mixture of the two would be a accurate way to live. Placing others higher in value than yourself is a trait that isnt common in the world today. Even though, putting others first is something great, you need to think about yourself too. You only have one life and one chance to make it the best. Do what makes you happy and you will see that others will come with you.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Tesco Fresh and Easy

I believe Tesco Fresh & Easy Supermarkets will be successful. The Fresh & Easy name signals the two things it wants shoppers to animadvert of it for freshness and convenience (Horovitz, 2007). Tesco constantly re-enforces this message on the Fresh & Easy Homepage people want fresh and healthy food choices they want things to be easy, Tesco provided vindicatory that with its line of supermarkets. Tesco supermarkets found a niche that unite States retailers had not focused on, convenient fast access to fresh, healthy cost affordable natural foods.It is something more Americans have waited years for. As well as being marketed as a Fresh & Easy supermarket, it is also marketed as an naught efficient presidency which in this age of energy and resource conservation adds to its appeal. The supermarkets utilize efficient equipment in their stores and operations (Recruiting, 2007). Stores are designed to use 30% less energy than typical grocery stores its size, and recycling is a priori ty. Fresh & Easy has been a savior tenant for many developers, eating up 14,000 square foot chunks of sexagenarian space and dark drug stores (Retail, 2009).Its entrance into the United States was the first time Tesco entered a country without a supercenter format. Tesco did not want to become like Wal-Mart. Tesco launched its United States Operations with a small format neighborhood grocery store under the Fresh & Easy name to differentiate its brand from its competitors. The supermarkets are relatively small, at about 10,000 square foot. Fresh & Easy stores target customers in low to middle income locations. Tesco is betting that there is a demand for smaller stores ambient to home with fewer products, making it easier to find things.The stores are placed near public transportation. Many of them are near or inside underground and railroad track stations, making it easy for commuters to pop into a store and grab a meal on their way home. Their advertising campaign includes refe rences to environmentally matey furtherance and food free of artificial colors, flavors, and trans fats. The chains buy no TV or newspaper ads. When it enters a market, it mails $5 coupons to area residents. The stores are stocked with regretful names and in-house brands and offer more prepared entrees and side dishes than typical supermarkets (Semeuls, 2007).Their specialty is in prepared but not frozen foods, e genuinelything looks fresh. Everything is nicely repackaged in friendly pastel colors, simple graphics, and lowercase fonts. The stores are not over whelming. They look more modern and sophisticated than most supermarkets. The isles are wide and signs are intelligibly written. There is bright lighting and an uncluttered feel. Fruits and vegetables are neatly presented. There is an unexpectedly low price on items. Foc using primarily on atomic number 20 at this point, Fresh & Easy is approaching the market as a critical mass store strategy in California, Arizona and Nev ada.This strategy is to send a critical mass of stores in a given region, similar to the Starbucks Walgreens strategy (Fresh, 2008). In doing this, consumer awareness is increased and marketing and advertising costs leveraged. From a positioning standpoint, it attempts to become the logical or defacto neighborhood grocer in the region, in part by virtue of having so many stores in the area (Fresh, 2008). The cash advance of web based information technology has been an important catalyst for the recent proliferation of distribution sales channels in food retailing.Although multiple channels change companies to reach consumers faster and in different market segments, they pose challenges to include channel conflict and pricing policy for the different channels. This could benefit consumers by companies having to lessen prices to stay competitive. American supermarkets have concentrated mainly on trying to make cost out of their allow chains. Goods are moved hundreds of miles to k eep them cheap. This has further supermarkets to make two sorts of foods long lasting i. e. ried, canned, frozen, or otherwise preserved and that which is prepared from raw ingredients on site. British food retailers because stores can be so small that they have to switch from selling sandwiches at lunchtime to selling readymade suppers in the afternoon specialize in regular frequent deliveries to city stores. Their supply chains are more sophisticated. Tesco is an innovator with its supply chain. Tesco built a distribution center. Coupled with partner Wild Rocket Foods, Tesco selected U. S. produce vendors as suppliers.Tesco utilizes trucks with crisscross refrigeration vector units with internal partitions for frozen, chilled and ordinary goods. All Fresh & Easy trailers include automatic refrigeration shut-off when optimum temperature is reached inside the cooling chamber as well as a complete engine shut-off once parked at the stores. Electrical stand-by technology minimizes t he impact on the environment by using no fuel to run refrigeration units on the trailers while parked at the distribution center. Tesco could replace three deliveries with one.This makes it possible to sell groceries profitably in small stores at supermarket prices. Tesco makes fresh and easy available to the customers, but they also made the customers part of the solution to success. The Tesco scheme mails discount vouchers to customers encouraging them to return. It tracks every barter for to build one of the worlds largest databases. This finds correlations between purchases allowing Tesco to finely tune the product range in each store. I would venture to say that Tesco is on the right track to success with its wide mix of fresh food that is highly customer oriented and very accessible.With the stores in local neighborhoods and at very user friendly cost, these neighborhood targeted stores will succeed. . References Freshandeasy. com (2008). Freshandeasy. com. Viewed at freshand easy. com February 19, 2009. Fresh & Easy Buzz. (2008, March 8). Retrieved February 19, 2009, from http//www. freashneasybuzz. blogspot. com. Horovitz, Bruce (2007 November 08). British grocery chain hits America with fresh ideas. Retrieved February 19, 2009 from https//www. usatoday. com. Recruiting trail at Fresh & Easy. 2007, July 22). Retrieved February 19, 2009, from http//www. freshandeasy. com/blog/2007/07/recruiting-trail-at-fresh-easy. html Semuels, Alana. ( November 9, 2007). British food its not shoppers find fresh & easy a blend of trader joes and Ralphs. Retrieved February 17, 2009 from http//articles. latimes. com/2007/nov/09/ crinkle/fi-tesco9 RetailChatr Fresh & Easy changing strategy. (2009, February 04). Retrieved February 17, 2009, from http//www. retailchatr. com/2009/02/04/fresh-easy-changing-strategy

Friday, May 24, 2019

Computer Motherboard (Descriptive) Essay

Motherboard Motherboard acts manage the arteries of a human taking the blood all over allowing the blood to travel. It has many line-like structures that atomic number 18 like the veins and the arteries. These lines are the wires mounted on the motherboard that keep thousandths or even millions of connection. Motherboard is a small yet powerful device inside the computer system. The motherboard has three cards on it. First, the graphics card, it is like the eyes of the computer, it acts like the eye that saw and reflects images to the screen.Second, the sound card it is the mouth of the computer, it sends sound to the speaker, it shouts what the computer says. And the third, the modem, the nose of the computer. It sniffs messages from the wires coming from the telephone lines. If theres a blood, theres excessively the heart. The processor of the computer acts as the heart of the computer. It has a square-shaped chip that has many pins. It sits on the motherboard controlling all th e cards including the motherboard.It controls, allows, and restricts education that is being disseminated into the system like the heart. It also has a heat sink and a fan keeping the processor cool. To be able to complete the system, it also has the brain. Hard criminal record serves as the brain of the computer. It is rectangular in shape. Inside it, theres a mirror-like disk where all the information are stored. The disk spin at greater speed, depending on the information /data is being written into the disk.Motherboard is also consists of chips, transistors, and capacitors. It is the other component of the motherboard that acts like the organs of the system. These chips may be small as a grain of rice and bigger as a coin. Transistor is a small, black in color and rectangular in shape. It is sometimes recognizable because of its three metal legs attached on it. Transistors is consists of thousand or even million of IC (Integrated Circuit) packed in one function. And the capac itors are like tanks attached in the motherboard.It varies in size it may be small, medium or large depending on the voltage and its capacitance. Motherboard is consists of millions of chips, transistors and ICs. It acts like the form of the computer. Without it, the computer will not work. It is like the trunk of a tree. It is an amazing thing that has millions of wires attached in a small board. It is powerful and fundamental part that the computer will not work without it. Reference * Motherboard. Retrieved from http//www. en. wikipedia. org/wiki/motherboard

Thursday, May 23, 2019

How to Improve Your Health Essay

IntroductionWho wouldnt want to know the recipe for good health? The mixture of kempt diet and physical activity helps the consistences system function better, reducing the assay of heart diseases, diabetes, surrounded by other diseases that cause death.To be salubrious your body requires a rest period of the consumption of the calories on your foods and drinks with your physical activity. Nowadays plenty are always in a hurry and they forget the greatness of taking care of themselves. Most people are sitting at work or in front of the TV the whole day and since people dont come to enough time to prepare their food, all they stack eat at a restaurant it is not exactly rock-loving food.You must understand that not taking care of what you eat and the physical activity you follow every day you are just harming your health and putt it at jeopardy.Today I will speak about how to improve your health.Transition So what can people do to improve their health? proboscisIt is very important for everyone to take care of themselves. Our body is theonly place we have to live in and it needs for us to take care of it. A healthy diet and physical activity are two essential things to improve our health. I According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 69.2% of the population is adiposis this is mainly for the lack of care and time that we put to ourselves. But people need to be committed to make a healthy change in their life to make a difference. A I completely understand that when people hear kempt Diet they automatically associate it with something hard, almost infeasible to do. So we can call it healthy eating habits, but it is easier to understand, the unhealthy foods you need to avoid, such as food with high saturated and trans fats, added sugars and high amounts of atomic number 11 which only raises your blood pressure. B You can start by doing changes in your diet, such as switching from whole take out to low fat milk or fat free mil k. Changing a drink loaded in sugar for a natural fruit juice, and avoiding white bread changing it for wheat bread.II If exercise and healthy eating improve your health, bad eating and a sedentary life does completely the opposite causing overweigh and increases the risk of cancers. A According to the National Heart and Blood Institute over weight and obesity are the main causes of Heart Disease, strokes, type 2 diabetes, cancer, between many other health problems. B Health care professionals state that risk increases with a waist greater than 35 inches for women, 40 inches for men. The recommend diet to follow is rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free and low-fat dairy products. It is very important to add fruit and vegetables to each meal because they contain many vitamins and minerals our body needs to lower the risk of diseases.III Balance calories from foods and drinks with physical activity are very important. Physical activity will help to lower the risk of heart diseases and cancers. A Exercise help strength your heart and help your lungs work better. It also strength your muscles and keep your joins in good conditions. It is recommended a nominal of 30 minutes of cardio a day. B You dont necessary need to go to a gym, daily activities count too, you just need to make sure you are doing them to raise your heart rate. Walking the stairs instead of taking the elevator, or choosing a far parking space so you can walk to your destination, as well as washing your car are someexamples of daily activities that can help you. ConclusionI A balance diet and physical activity improves your chances of living longer and living healthier A Unhealthy eating and sedentary life lead to diseasesB Healthy dietC Physical activityReferencesU.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. 2008.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d). Obesity and Overweight. Nov 21, 2013. CDC/ National Center for Health Statistics. frame 28,2014. Print.National Heart, Lung, and Blood. (n.d.). What Are the Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity. July 13, 2012. March 28,2014. Print.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Immigration is a new identity in Brick Lane by Monica Ali Essay

Monica Alis Brick passageway and Amulya Malladis Serving Crazy with Curry both portray the rising identity changes that occur with the starting time and sec generation immigrants. both(prenominal) novels reveal that when it comes to immigration, due to a conflict in their surroundings and exposure to different cultures the second generation experiences a different mountain which contributes to their developing identity. However, their developing identities becomes a contrast to the identities of the elder generation thus creating a culture clash. Culture Clash is the act when one or more cultures are incorporated into one environment and as a result, traditions are challenged causing a disruption. First generation characters share the traits of being incensed of changing cultural values during immigration while the second generation are keen on conforming and leave their roots in flip for granting immunity of being accepted into society. Through the characters and white pla gue of language, both Monica Alis Brick Lane and Amulya Malladis Serving Crazy with Curry demonstrates how immigration creates a difference in identity that exists between the low gear and second generation.Coming to a completely different country, not knowing anyone at all, the first generation characters prevail to be indignant. In both these novels the first generation immigrants express bitterness when adapting to different surrounding. Saroj Venturi from Serving Crazy with Curry, expresses her resentment towards the new culture, when she says It was coming here, to this white colliery that changed things between Avi and her. If they stayed in India, if only hed wanted to stay, they wouldve been happy (Malladi, 15). By comparing her new fall out of residence to a hole, Saroj feels trapped or exiled within this alien land, proving to be the motive for her resentment. Saroj displays her regret when she wishes to have stayed in India by saying that she would have been happier t here thus providing a reason for her refusal to receive happiness in her new environment. Similarly in Monica Alis novel Brick Lane, Chanu Ahmed was asked for permission by his married woman, Nazeen, to attend English lessons and here he demonstrate the property of resentment Your going to be a motherWill that not keep you busy enough?And you cant take a featherbed to college. Babies have to be fed they have to have their bottoms cleaned. Its not so simple as that. Just to go to college, like that.(Ali, 57)In this passage, Chanu rejects his wifes idea of attending English classes and uses the excuse of his wifes pregnancy and awaiting motherhood as a way of discouraging her. On tweet of that he also asks questions upon questions which may suggest bitterness towards her idea of going to school and attempting to fit in with society. Not only does Chanu discourage conform into society, he also discourages his daughters from becoming too westernized because he wanted to keep their B engali culture rooted within themselves. Both Saroj from Serving Crazy with Curry and Chanu from Brick Lane being first generation immigrants demonstrate a common trait of resentment.Growing up in a place that is nothing like your place of origin, second generation immigrants convey acceptance while being raised in a different environment than their parents. The second generation immigrants identify themselves harmonize to where they were born instead of their place of origin. Both Devi from Serving Crazy with Curry and Shahana Ahmed from Brick Lane, were both raised in a western environment and identify themselves as either American or British. Shahana presents her determination to fit into society when she states that She wanted to have her lip pierced. This was latest thing. Last week she wanted to fuss a tattoo. (Ali, 240). The act of getting piercings and tattoos are activities that are classified under western culture and when Shahana wishes to get them, it shows that she is eager to get knotted and fit in with the society she is from. Getting a tattoo on her body, will represent the permanent residence of western culture within her life. Both Malladi and Ali portray the difference between resent and acceptance along with the idea of opposite traits enhancing the thought of conflict between generations.In both novels, Monica Ali and Amulya Malladi portray the circumstance that firstgeneration immigrants tend to retain their cultural values while the second generation are willing to exchange their roots for greater freedom. In Serving Crazy with Curry, Saroj Venturi wishes to instil Indian values within her children when she says, Why couldnt she learn to cook like all good Indian girls? (Malladi, 19). She feels that her children do not know enough about their country of origin, and wishes to incorporate some Indian traditions into her daughters western lives so that they do not stray away from their Indian culture. Chanu from Brick Lane, faces a simila r situation to Saroj as he also tries to incorporate Bengali culture into his daughters. Chanu uses language to discourage his daughters from becoming too westernized that I am going to tie her up and cut her tongue. Tell the Memsahib that when I have skinned her Shahana alive she will not be looking so rapturous with herself (Ali, 162).Chanu refers to his daughter as a Memsahib which is a title used in colonial India as a form of respectful address for a honored woman. Chanu addresses his daughter, Shahana as a memsahib due to her behaviour such as acting snobbish and stubborn like a prestigious woman qualities that he finds to be developed as a result of westernization. Chanu uses words such as cut and skinned to threaten his daughter so that she would behave. In contrast to the first generation, the second generation exchanges their cultural values for more freedom. In Serving Crazy with Curry, Devi Venturi gets a taste of her own freedoms in the area of dating And apiece time she Saroj give awayed, she expected to find an unsuitable man lying naked in Devis bedroom, or worse, naked women (Malladi, 19). The fact that Devis mother has to snoop around to find a naked man or women in Devis room shows her limits when it comes to controlling her daughters life and dating lifestyle. As well as the word naked represents Devis growing freedoms that she later uncover after certain stages she comes across within this western culture. From Brick Lane, Shahana has the newfound freedom of wearing what she wants.Having the freedom of choice in clothing Shahana chose to wear a skirt, which is an obligate of clothing that exposes the legs. When Shahana walks past a group of boys they turn around She looked at them and cocked her head. Nazeen wished that Shahana had her trousers on (Ali, 217). Choosing an article that exposes body parts strongly goes against the typical Bengali culture which proves that her choice in clothing is affected by the western societythat she l ives in. Both authors use characters to inform that the first generation attempts to protect their cultural values while the second generation lets go of it, demonstrating their clashing ways of adjusting to changes due to immigration.Many nation make the decision to leave their country of origin and immigrate to a foreign land due to the idea of finding success and living a better life. First generation immigrants have an eagerness to acquire success and the second generation has a lack of commitment. In Brick Lane, Chanu graduated with a gunpoint in English literature and moves to London because he finds it to be the key to success. Chanus determination is shown when he says Now I have to get the packaging (Ali,36). The term promotion means to move to a higher, more important position than previously and Chanus impulse to move onto the next level symbolizes his desire to be successful. Avi Venturi from Serving Crazy with Curry, deals with a similar situation as he learns that the military was not the right path for him when he says This is all I am left with.The army gave me this and what else? No medal, no nothing. (Malladi, 85). Avi feels he must obtain achievement, therefore he travels to San Francisco, when he was offered a job there, which leads him to be where he is now, a successful business man. Avi had the determination to be successful and fulfill his ambitions, unlike the second generation who lack this trait. The beginning of Serving Crazy with garnish demonstrates Devi Venturis character as a failure After Devi was laid off (yet again) a week ago, it started to dawn on her that she was not going to be able to change her life. Everything she ever wanted had become elusive and the decision to end her life, she realized, was not only a good decision, but her only option.(Malladi, 1)This repeat in particular shows Devis lack of determination and commitment in achieving her goals to complete tasks and achieve what they want. In the first senten ce, Malladi describes Devis failure being rather continuous when she states yet again. When she states that she was not going to be able to change her life (Malladi, 1) this displays Devis lack of commitment anddetermination in accomplishing her goals because erstwhile she fails, she no longer has hope and decides that her fate will never change thus cancelling out any possibilities for improvement. The idea of not improving and changing what she thinks could be her fate leads Devi to think that the only choice she has is to end her life, which shows her lack of enthusiasm and determination to fulfill her ambitions and desires.Both novels portray the effect that immigration has on the identities of first and second generations immigrants. Authors, Monica Ali and Amulya Malladi use language to highlight the contrasting traits of characters and focus on the non-parallel connections between the first and second generation immigrants. When it comes to immigration diversity in the out er environment contributes to the complex relationship between the two generations.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

American expressionism: art and social change Essay

Art is a dynamic concept that has continued to evolve. Since its inception, stratagem has evolved through various safaris representing diverse themes and philosophies. Artists aligned to specific prowess presences fuck off contributed in advancing their philosophies in the specific periods represented. From the 18th to the 21st cytosine, guile foreparts wel mystify impacted greatly on the lodge.The Romanticism Movement The Romanticism movement originated towards the end of the 18th century in Europe. The movement advocated for the bold use of garble to bring out the authentic emotional feel of an aesthetic experience. harmonise to Dempsey (2002), the validation of intense emotional experience in visual arts stressed on emotions likes anxiety and horror. The lib eonl expression of an artist was an imperative manifestation in the Romantic era an artists feelings and expressions formed the basis of inspiration towards the production of art work (Scaglia, 2011). Creativit y formed the basis of foundation upon which the Romanticism movement thrived. Nationalism and nature were central themes advanced by Romantic artists (Scaglia, 2011). The Romanticism movement placed an immense interest in nature. The causa behind the love for nature in artistic work during the movement was the philosophical tenet that a connection with nature was emotionally and ethically healthy. Moreover, artists found their works on a nationalism platform by fostering national development.The graphic conception of the period drew strong influence from the political circles. The aristocratic political and social norms of the period triggered the startle of Romanticism. Romantic artists revolted against aristocracy want to instill liberal tendencies through their expressions. On an economic ground, the industrial change had an influence on the movement. The movement was opposed to the corrupt nature that the society was adopting. The culture of liberalism and free expression contributed in the development of the movement.Thomas Jones, The Bard (1774)Egide Charles (1834) The Belgian RevolutionThe visual arts explore the connection between Romanticism and nationalism. The paintings illustrate the artists use of nature as well as showing societys deprivation for nationalism respectively.Synchromism The movement started in 1912 under the innovative works of Stanton Mc-Donald-Wright and Morgan Russell (Scaglia, 2011). The artists are acknowledged as among the pioneer abstract painters in the US. Wright and Russell apply the syncromy style in their abstract paintings. The style was based on the artistic innovation, that sound and color have a connection. The idea behind Synchromism posited that colors in art can have the similar harmonious character as notes in music. The innovation behind the movement was that a painting can have the same complexity as music, if colors are arranged in scales. Contrary to other forms, Synchromism did not use lines, but only color and create in artistic expressions.Having begun before the First World War, the movement posited that realism was no longer significant in visual art there was need for a meaningful expression of art in the modern world (Scaglia, 2011). The culture of realism in the modern art world was fading hence, the rise of the movement was attributed to the philosophy that innovation, and an artists feelings, as opposed to realism, was more predominate.Stanton MacDonald-Wright, Airplane Synchromy in Yellow-Orange (1920)Morgan Russell, Cosmic Synchromy (1913-14)The paintings by Wright and Russell display the use of color to come up with abstract paintings. The shapes illustrate the influence of imaginative artistic expression to come up ideas that are not in the realist physical nature. The style of the movement affects the graphic stick out of today by emphasizing on the use of color, particularly in the amount of hue used in painting. The intensity of color in present-day(a) ar t is an important factor to consider.Classical world The movement became prominent towards the end of the 20th century. Designers in the movement regarded skill and sweetie as imperative factors in their paintings (Scaglia, 2011). The movements style is edged on the visible world this brings out its realism nature. Through an artists observation, he is in a position to bring out beauty and completeness (Scaglia, 2011).In Classical reality, an artist concentrates on drawing and painting, and avoids mechanical aids. Classical Realism artists employ the artistic eye to explore harmony and skill in their paintings.A major cultural tenet behind the growth of Classical Realism is the belief that most artistic movements of the 20th century disregard the contribution of traditional art hence, leading to the degradation of skill (Scaglia, 2011). Therefore, artists in this movement attempt to restore the traditional concept of drawing and painting objects seen in the modern world.Jean- Lon Grme.The artistic works illustrate the traditional art of drawing and painting objects from what people see. The emphasis on order, skill and harmony on the visual arts is a reflection of the realistic culture in artistic expressions. The movement influences modern graphic designs in using color to achieve harmony, and the utilization of skill.Expressionism The movement started in Germany at the turn of the 20th century Franz Marc and Alvar Cawn were among the pioneer designers of the movement (Dijkstra, 2003). Stylistically, the movement sought to illustrate the world in a subjective perspective. In essence, artists in this movement sought to create meaning from their paintings, which was distant from the physical reality (Dijkstra, 2003). Artists achieve this through distorting the physical reality and evoking subjective emotional experience and mood. The growth of the movement in the early 20th century is attributed to the dehumanizing influence of industrialization. Moreo ver, expressionists were not in favor of realism hence, sought to introduce an artistic style that would capitalize solely on the expressions of an artist.Alvar Cawn, (Blind Musician), 1922Franz Marc, Fighting Forms (1914)The paintings show an emphasis on the expression of emotion and mood. The paintings evoke a subjective meaning from what is intended in the physical world. The contemporary graphic industry draws inspiration from the movement through the use of color, foreground and background features to drive meaning.The Pop art movement The Pop art movement begun in the 1950s in Britain and the United States it was a break from the conventional orientations of art. Andy Warhol and Jasper Johns were among the prominent artists of the movement (Spilsbury, 2009). Argued as a reflection of modern art, the dadaism art movement introduced the use of imagery. The imagery used in the knock off art movement derived its inspiration from the popular culture. Consequently, as a reflect ion of popular culture, pop art expressions are understood from the perspective of the approaches that produce them. The mass culture in the 1950s influenced the growth of the artistic movement pop artists employed the images of the dominant culture in their graphic designs (Spilsbury, 2009).Technology also played an important role in the growth of the movement particularly in the expansion of abstract expressionism (Spilsbury, 2009).Andy Warhol, Campbells Soup I (1968) Jasper Johns, Flag 19541955The artistic works by the higher up artists shows the reflection of the impact of popular culture in artistic expressions. Andy Warhol shows the influence of pop art in the advertising industry, while Jasper Johns expresses liberty as a popular culture through the representation of the flag. The movement influences contemporary graphic design by expanding the use of advertisement as an important platform of communication.Constructivism The art movement, which started in 1919, popularize d the use of art for social purposes. Experts assert that the movement sought to uproot autonomy in art (Jones, 2006). Consequently, the growth of the movement is attributed to its participation in the Russian revolution. Constructivists came up with street designs that had social connotations during the revolution. During the early years of the movement, artists used their paintings as a means of communication to the people during the Russian civil war (Jones, 2006). The philosophy behind the movement was the advancement of social reconstruction. Constructivists used bright colors, arithmetical shapes and conspicuious lettering in their paintings in order to evoke emotions from the viewers and trigger deep understanding of the intended message.Vladimir Mayakovsky, An advertising construction (1921)Tatlins Tower (1919)The paintings above show the social connotations explored by constructivists. The use of bold colors and geometric shapes shows the intensity of communication develop ed by the artists. The constructivism movement affects modern graphic design by emphasizing on the use of art for social construction. Sensitizing people for political action through is an example of constructivists influence on contemporary art.Conclusion Certainly, art is a dynamic phenomenon that represents the social, cultural and political expressions of different societies. The use of artistic features to demonstrate the influence of graphic design on a society shows that art is a powerful instrument its ability to trigger emotional and objective connotations demonstrates its communication authority.ReferencesDempsey, A. (2002). Art in the modern era a guide to styles, schools & movements 1860 to the present. New York Harry N. Abrams.Dijkstra, B. (2003). American expressionism art and social change, 1920-1950. New York H.N. Abrams, in association with the Columbus Museum of Art.Jones, A. (2006). A companion to contemporary art since 1945. Malden, MA Blackwell Pub..Scaglia, B. (2011). The aesthetic variable defining the contemporary art movement of the 2000s (classical realism, relational art, street art, stuckism, superflat, and more). United States Websters Digital Services? .Spilsbury, R. (2009). Pop art. Chicago, IL Heinemann Library.Source document

Monday, May 20, 2019

Defining Abnormality †Towards a definition Essay

The statistical approach is based on the idea that certain behaviours be statistic tout ensembley rare in the population. If you measure any type of human behaviour you should find that throng with varying degrees of the behaviour are normally distributed around the call up. For example there are a stool of multitude who are of average height but few people who are very small. If we spot a graph of for example IQ scores, It is bell shaped. The majority of individuals are clustered around the flirt with (the curves highest point).The further you go away from the mean, the fewer people there are. Problems Desirability-some statistically infrequent behaviours, e.g. being a genius are desirable. Cut-off point-who decides at what point you are to be considered abnormal? Statistical Definitions-The Same standards or norms are not relevant to all social groups/ ages/cultures for example in terms of anxiety.Children beat much irrational fears than adults. Deviation from social norm s Social norms are behaviours that are desirable for both the individual and society as a whole. Deviance from social norms is both undesirable and abnormal. Most mentally Ill people do behave in a socially deviant way but this doesnt mean that you can base clinical abnormality on this theory alone.Moral standards-social norms change over era and basing mental illness on deviation from social norms is dangerous. Context-for example, wearing few items of clothing on the land is acceptable, on the high street it is not. Sub Cultures-for example in the Mormon religion it is acceptable to have several wives. In England that is a crime called bigamy Good/Bad-in some certain circumstances being socially deviant is a good thing for example in Nazi Germany people who were opposed to national socialism were socially deviant.Collectivistic cultures-cultures which emphasise the greater good of the community rather than focusing on individual achievement would not find the first three charac teristics relevant. Difficult-most people would have difficulty fitting all these criteria at most times in their lives. Cultural relativism A limitation to all ways of shaping abnormality is that no definition is relevant to all cultures. Also cultures definitions change over time. For example homosexuality was considered to be a mental disease till the 80s.

Rossi Inc. Essay

BackgroundRossi Inc. is a diversified manufacturer of industrial products. In 2008, Rossi updated its asbestos judicial proceeding financial obligation, including the cost of settlement payments and defense costs relating to currently pending claims and rising claims projected to be filed against the Company done 2017 for losses incurred to date. Before 2008, the Companys previous imagine was for claims projected to be filed through 2011. As part of the 2008 update to the asbestos litigation liability, Rossi engaged Thompson and Associates, a consulting firm, to serve as an external specialist to melodic theme the claims liability for celestial latitude 31, 2008. As a result of the 2008 update and the external specialist claims estimate, the Company importantly increased its recorded asbestos litigation liability by $586 million, arriving at a total liability estimate of $1,055 million as of celestial latitude 31, 2008. During 2009, excess payments against the reserve reduced t he recorded liability to $962 million.As of December 31, 2009, the Company performed an analysis of the asbestos litigation reserve and pay offd that the asbestos litigation liability should remain at $962 million. In 2009, Rossi Inc.s average cost per claim litigation increased from $29,000 in 2008, to $34,000 due to managements aggressive approach. This resulted in Thompson concluding that the litigation liability account should concur a carrying value of $1,124 jillion instead of $962 Million. Management of Rossi Inc. thinks that there aggressive approach to litigation claims in 2009 and revised defense dodge testament decrease litigation cost and defense cost in the future. Research disbeliefYou have been asked by the engagement partner to review the lymph glands accounting for the asbestos litigation liability and determine the appropriate accounting literature for Rossis recognition and measurement of the asbestos litigation liability.Relevant Literature be Standards Cod ification 450-20-25-1 & 2 Loss Contingency Recognition 25-1 When a loss accident exists, the likelihood that the future event or events will confirm the loss or impairment of an asset or the incurrence of a liability tail assembly range from presumptive to remote. Asindicated in the definition of contingency, the term loss is employ for convenience to include many charges against income that are commonly referred to as expenses and new(prenominal)s that are commonly referred to as losses. The Contingencies event uses the terms probable, reasonably possible, and remote to identify three areas within that range. 25-2 An estimated loss from a loss contingency shall be accrued by a charge to income if both of the following conditions are met a. Information ready(prenominal) before the financial statements are issued or are available to be issued (as discussed in Section 855-10-25) indicates that it is probable that an asset had been impaired or a liability had been incurred at t he date of the financial statements. Date of the financial statements means the end of the most recent accounting period for which financial statements are being presented. It is unstated in this condition that it must be probable that one or more future events will occur confirming the fact of the loss. b. The get along of loss can be reasonably estimated.Managements ApplicationRossi Inc. records indicate that litigation liabilities exist and that un-asserted litigations will arise in the future for events which occurred before December 31st, 2009. These claims can be reasonably estimated based a frequency severity method used in many asbestos litigation cases. Therefore, Management of Rossi Inc. has met both conditions and correctly accrued the reasonably estimated cost of the litigation liabilities. accounting system Standards Codification 450-20-30-1 Initial Measurement If some sum up within a range of loss appears at the time to be a better estimate than any another(prenom inal) amount within the range, that amount shall be accrued. When no amount within the range is a better estimate than any other amount, however, the minimum amount in the range shall be accrued. Even though the minimum amount in the range is not necessarily the amount of loss that will be ultimately determined, it is not in all likelihood that the ultimate loss will be less than the minimum amount.Application concord to the Internal actuarial Specialist Report, the estimated cost of litigation ranges from $907 million to $1,514 million. Accounting Standards Codification 450-20-30-1 says that Rossi Inc. must accrue the lower amountof the range which is $907 million. The caller-up must also create a disclosure note acknowledging that it is possible the litigation liabilities could cost as much as $1,514 million if the excess is reasonably probable. Research QuestionWhat additional audit procedures, if any, should you suggest to the engagement partner in order to pass judgment the appropriateness of the asbestos litigation liability as of December 31, 2009?Relevant LiteratureStatements on Audit Standards No. 12- AU section 337 carve up 6 & 7 .06 An auditor ordinarily does not possess legal skills and, therefore, cannot make legal judgments concerning entropy coming to his attention. Accordingly, the auditor should request the clients management to send a letter of interrogative sentence to those lawyers with whom management consulted concerning litigation, claims, and assessments. .07 The audit normally includes certain other procedures undertaken for different purposes that might also disclose litigation, claims, and assessments. Examples of such procedures are as follows Reading proceedings of meetings of stockholders, directors, and appropriate committees held during and subsequent to the period being audited. Reading contracts, impart agreements, leases, and correspondence from taxing or other governmental agencies, and similar documents. Obtaining selective information concerning guarantees from bank confirmation forms. Inspecting other documents for possible guarantees by the client.ApplicationThe engagement partner should ask management to send their legal guidance a letter of inquiry, outlining all litigation procedures currently in progress and claims or assertions for future litigation. Because of attorney-client confidentiality, the lawyer may refuse to response to the letter of inquiry alternatively, the engagement partner can obtain this information from other sources. The engagement partner can read the documented minutes of meetings of directors and company committees, as considerably as, contracts created between Rossi Inc. and its customers for possible grounds for future lawsuits. The auditor should also strive to understand how Rossi Inc. management developed its estimate for the litigation liability, then he/she should review and test those procedures used by management. Research QuestionConsidering the ran ge of the estimated claims liabilities, do you believe that there is an uncorrected liable(predicate) misstatement that the engagement partner should request the client to correct?InterpretationThe engagement team has already determined that the litigation liabilities account is a real(a) account with corporeality for the audit set at $12.5 million. The litigation liabilities account currently has a symmetricalness of $962 million however, ASC 450-20-30-1 states that account should reflect the lower amount of the reasonably measured range of possible litigation cost. The amount which should be recorded is $907 million which is $55 million less than the currently recorded amount. With materiality set at $12.5 million, the engagement partner should request Rossi Inc. correct the amount of the litigation liabilities account to pee the likely misstatement.ConclusionRossi Inc. has met both conditions of ASC 450-20-25-2 because it is probable the company will have litigation losses i n the future from events which occurred during or before this accounting period. These losses have been reasonably estimated into a range of $907 to $1,514 million. According to ASC 450-20-30-1, when a range exists and no number in the range is more likely to occur the company should accrue the lowest amount of the range. The audit should also inquiry about the accuracy of the litigation estimate. This can be accomplished by complying data obtained from inquiry letters to the clients lawyers, reading of minutes for meetings conducted by management or directors and by evaluating contracts between the client and their customers. The auditor must also evaluate the method of estimating the litigation liability. Finally, the engagement partner must ask Rossi Inc.s management to correct the likely misstatement due to the litigation liabilities account being overstated.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

5 Stages of Grief Hamlet Essay

Following the final branch of Prince crossroadss father, the former King of Denmark, non nevertheless do those related by stock to the great Dane experience the five stages of sorrow as laid issue by Kubler-Ross, but the livelong kingdom does as well. It is clear through many examples from the text that the kingdom as a social unit experiences the grief of losing their king and others through give away the play both as one impaired family and individu wholey. The individuals in this dysfunctional family include juncture, Gertrude, Claudius, Polonius, Laertes, and Ophelia.A major tenet of the Five Stages theory which is vital to understanding its practical example is that one is non required to go through the five stages in order, nor is one required to go through all five stages. This is especially important because as a single family, the Danes do not go through all five stages together, instead, however, they go through the five stages individually, and will be citati on in the order stated by Kubler-Ross while identifying parts of the play where these stages were reached with no regard to chronological order. (Kubler-Ross)Denial is the first stage of Kubler-Ross grief map. Denial is a reaction in which a per intelligence, attempting to bend the truth of the situation, develops a false reality or simply ignores the reality at hand. This is likely the roughly common stage, as denial affects those dealing with all magnitudes of trauma, large and small. (Santrock, 56)Though Hamlet does not go through the stage of denial, it is evident starting in act one, expectation two, that the olympian family is very often in denial of how much they should be affected by the loss of their king. This is seen through the royal we that world-beater Gertrude uses to display her and her new husbands feelings to Hamlet while covering up their sadness with royal duties. QUEEN GERTRUDE Why seems it so particular with thee? hamletSeems, madam nay it is I know not s eems.Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother,Nor customary suits of solemn black,Nor windy suspiration of forced breath,No, nor the berried river in the eye,Nor the dejected havior of the visage,Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief,That undersurface denote me truly these indeed seem,For they are actions that a man might playBut I hit that within which passeth showThese but the furnishing and the suits of woe.(Shakespeare, 1.2.2)The Royal family, in this scene, had only just recently lost their king forrader Claudius and Gertrude married and started their fashion as regents once again. The biggest implication of their being in the stage of denial is their preoc transfuseation with Fortinbras perceived enkindle rather than Hamlets actual sadness. They are too in denial about their sons and perhaps their own guilt and trauma that they do not help or address the grief at all. Gertrude is a perfect example of denial because of her lying to herself and telling herself t hat everything is perfect and can to normal when it is clearly not.Ophelia also goes through denial on a smaller scale in the first act, as her trauma is losing her love, Hamlet, because of her fathers orders. This denial only grows when she loses her father and he is not given the proper interment rites or respect. She then feels what Hamlet thinks he felt, yet says and does nothing until her felo-de-se because she was very likely in denial about her ability to help at all.Anger is the min phase of Kubler-Ross five stages which is characterized by loss of judgment and simple rage at either the exit which they are grieving, others, and/or themselves. Anger is often associated with madness as it impedes the objective observation skills and, like insanity, can cloud the mind with anything but the truth. (Santrock, 57)The angriest character in all of Hamlet the title character himself, Hamlet. Hamlets anger is especially clear in his rash dealings with his family, which, he is sup posed to be bonding with over this shared grief, his visions of his father as a ghost, and his violent outbursts against the denizens of his kingdom.When he enters his mothers chambers in act three, scene four, he shows many signs of madness and anger, including visions of violence inciting figures, lashing out against his mother, and the murder of Polonius behind the veil. HAMLETHow is it with you, lady?QUEEN GERTRUDEAlas, how ist with you,That you do bend your eye on vacancyAnd with the incorporal air do hold discourse?Forth at your eyes your spirits wildly peepAnd, as the sleeping soldiers in the alarm,Your bedded hair, like life in excrements,Starts up, and stands on end. O gentle son,Upon the heat and flame of thy distemperSprinkle cool patience. Whereon do you look?(Shakespeare, 3.4.18)Bargaining and opinion are slightly similar stages of grieving that as seen in Hamlet, can happen at the alike time. Bargaining is characterized by an attempt at negotiating with fate, while d epression understands the imminence of death. This being said, there is no reason why Hamlet could not have been experiencing both of these stages at once. In fact, Hamlet seems to have drifted in and out of these stages in between going through anger and acceptance. (Santrock 58, 59)In act one, scene two, Hamlet demonstrates bargaining and depression by almost asking the all-powerful to take his life outside(a) completely, because he is too saddened and maddened by all of this outrageous behavior that he would rather die. HAMLETO, that this too too solid flesh would meltThaw and resolve itself into a dewOr that the lasting had not fixdHis canon gainst self-slaughter O God GodHow weary, stale, flat and unprofitable,Seem to me all the uses of this worldFie ont ah fie tis an unweeded garden,That grows to seed things rank and gross in naturePossess it merely.(Shakespeare, 1.2.6) once again in act three, scene one, Hamlet makes another speech that implies his fickle, suicidal-bargaini ng tendencies. In this speech he dialog about his self-loathing due to his cowardice and he wishes that it could all be over, like a sleep, a muteness end. HAMLETTo be, or not to be that is the questionWhether tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them?(Shakespeare, 3.1.1)Hamlet is not the only character to go through bargaining and depression, though. Ophelia also, in her singing and solemn visits to her fathers burial site, clearly shows signs of depression. She acts on these depressed thoughts by taking the bargain of suicide if she cannot be joyful in this world, she should take herself out of it to avoid the pain, and she does.Acceptance is the bittersweet end to grieving in which individuals complete to terms with the fate they are handed, whether it be death, loss, or a reminder of their mortality. (Santrock, 60) The final scene before Fortinbras arrives to Elsinore, it is almost as if each character is asking for forgiveness through their passing through the stage of acceptance. Every action, the voluntary drinking of the cup that Claudius does, Laertes lastwords to Hamlet, Gertrudes voluntary drinking of the cup so Hamlet would live a bit longer, they all seemed to be actions of final absolution.Kubler-Ross five stages of grief are plentiful in Shakespeares dramas, especially Hamlet, simply because of the massive amounts of tragedies that occur within Hamlet that warrant grieving. The grieving process in Hamlet is easily visible because of the steps laid out by Kubler-Ross and how they match almost exactly with the feelings and actions of not only Hamlet, but the whole kingdom, including Gertrude, Claudius, Laertes, Polonius, and Ophelia.Works CitedThe Kbler-Ross Grief Cycle. The Kbler-Ross Grief Cycle. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2014. Santrock, John W. Kubler-Ross P. 57,58,59,60. A Topical Approach to Life-span Development. Boston McGraw-Hill, 2002. N . pag. Print. Shakespeare, William, and Harold Jenkins. make out One, Scene Two, Act Three, Scene One, Act Three, Scene Three. Hamlet. London Methuen, 1982. N. pag. Print.